ECB South Korean Won Exchange Rate Archive for 2010

Historical archive of the ECB's South Korean Won exchange rates for the year 2010, featuring daily exchange rate data.


South Korean Won

4 January 2010

KRW forOneText 1 EUR

14 May 2010

KRW forOneText 1 EUR

Dynamics course South Korean Won, for 1 EUR EUR / KRW

DateCbr course
17.051 424,8800 +12,0300
14.051 412,8500 -6,9800
13.051 419,8300 -31,0800
05.011 645,7400 -16,6300
04.011 662,3700 -4,6000
31.121 666,9700 -2,5900

Ecb converter for today

Popular currencies

INFO about South Korean Won

Letter codeKRW
About ruble's exchange rate of CBR
This comprehensive archive includes a complete collection of the South Korean Won's daily exchange rates for 2010 as set by the European Central Bank. It provides an in-depth view of currency trends, reflecting the economic and financial events impacting the Eurozone and global markets. This archive is invaluable for financial analysts and economists seeking to understand the longer-term trends and shifts in the currency market.